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This website is intended as a resource for men who wanted to document their harm from circumcision done in infancy or childhood, as well as for
parents - medical professionals - ethicists - religious leaders - attorneys - child protection advocates - human rights campaigners - legislators - and the media
"Singly, a man's report of circumcision harm is dismissed as anecdotal.
Collectively, these reports document how circumcision damages boys and the men they become.
Except for some African and Muslim-majority nations where children of both sexes
have their genitals forcibly cut, in many parts of the world
circumcision harm is actual, concrete and particularized to unconsenting males."
Tim Hammond - Curriculum Vitae - Survey ProgrammerUse the above "Results" tab to view and download reports to learn why a circumcision does not need to be "botched"
to cause harm, and why even circumcisions that meet the "standard of care" cause damage,
or SKIP below to "Introduction to the Problem"
U P D A T E S - Updates before 2024 are under the Research & News tab
2024 December
GALDEF makes Year End Appeal to ask for your help to secure matching funding
2024 September
Genital Modifications in Prepubescent Minors: When May Clinicians Ethically Proceed? Published by the American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), Article | Announcement | Read more at GALDEF.
2024 August
CALL FOR PAPERS: The Journal of Bodies & Sexualities seeks contributions for a special issue on circumcision and anti-circumcision around the globe. This Special Issue takes a “global” approach to the questions of the foreskin, circumcision, anti-circumcision, and foreskin restoration; pushing to analyze what these questions tell us about local and regional masculinities. Abstract submission deadline Novembr 1, 2024. Final manuscript deadline: Feburay 1, 2025. Read more: PDF
What counts as mutilation—and who should decide? Disrupting received wisdom on genital cutting and modification in the Global North and South. BD Earp, J Abdulcadiur, A Shahvisi. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 2024 | PDF
[Note: The international academic journal Culture, Health & Sexuality announces a new limited-time free-to-access Collection of articles on genital cutting. Entitled ‘What counts as mutilation—and who should decide? Disrupting dominant discourses on genital cutting and modification’, the Collection offers a critical examination of diverse genital cutting practices, including male circumcision. It challenges dominant narratives by highlighting how the moral and legal status of different genital cutting practices reflects political power rather than medical necessity or ethical considerations. The collection can be accessed here.]
2023 November
WAS2023 Report. Tim Hammond's foreskin restorer survey presentation and report from the World Association for Sexual Health (Antalya, Türkiye). Video Presentation | Written Report
Circumcised Men Speak Out
The Global Survey of Circumcision Harm (GSCH) was launched in June 2011 because the medical community has never investigated the long-term adverse physical, sexual, emotional or psychological consequences of infant/childhood circumcision on the health of adult men. In March 2017 the survey results were published in the International Journal of Human Rights. In 2023, a follow-up survey of circumcision sufferers and foreskin restorers was published in the International Journal of Impotence Research [Abridged | Unabridged Supplement]
Documenting this long-term harm is impeded by:
widespread ignorance among men, including doctors, about complete penile anatomy and the functions and benefits of the foreskin;
lack of familiarity with how to identify circumcision damage;
lack of appropriate opportunities to document these adverse consequences;
the fact that the U.S. medical community does not collect any statistics on the number of botched circumcisions or deaths, let alone the long-term adverse outcomes to men. This was revealed in 1985 by Edward Wallerstein, author of Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy, at the 10 minute mark of this 15-minute television interview [IE browsers: up to 2 minutes load time]
denial among those affected and among circumcisers (many of whom had circumcision imposed on them) that damage has occurred, as in these video interviews with circumcised women and men whose genitals were cut as young children and this debate between Essayist Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi Kushner.
the medical community's unethical preying upon parental fears about health in order to promote a needless surgery from which it profits, as explained in this interview with the director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision.
individual physicians who obscure the harm of circumcision by portraying it as 'health promotion' thereby asking the public to suspend common sense, demonstrated by this interview of Dr. Lisa Masterson by talk show host Craig Ferguson.
To understand the scope of the problem of male genital cutting today, please visit:
This survey in 2011-2012 was a grassroots, all-volunteer effort to provide an online self-report and documentation method for any male who considered himself harmed by childhood genital cutting imposed on him without his informed consent.
Until the medical community investigates these consequences, the internet remains an alternate venue offering these men the comfort level they require to document such harm. In 2023, Intact America launched the harm reporting website DoNoHarm.report and Skin in the Game.
While the survey of course does not claim to represent all circumcised men, most of the physical damage from a "proper" circumcision revealed by our respondents is universal among all men circumcised in infancy or childhood, whether or not they realize or admit to it.
It is hoped that documenting such consequences and making the results publicly accessible will provide a starting point for dialogue about the long-term adverse consequences of male genital cutting. It is hoped that this harm will be investigated by medical communities and taken seriously by the societies where customs of male childhood genital cutting occur.
Gallery Results Compare photos of natural intact male genitals to photos of damage uploaded by our survey respondents.
View the statistical results of the 2017 survey.
Testimony More Research Many respondents submitted video testimony of their harm for posting to this site. Visit the Testimonies tab to hear how childhood genital cutting has affected men physically, sexually, emotionally and/or psychologically.
Published research on natural penile anatomy, foreskin physiology, circumcision damage, harm done to men by specious claims of circumcision for HIV reduction, and world medical association statements on circumcision and human rights.
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